Badajoz (Spain)
7-10 September, 2010











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Poster for the 7th edition
developed by J.A. Oyola

The Seventh Italian-Spanish Conference on General Topology and its Applications will take place in Badajoz (Spain) from 7 to 10 September, 2010, at Universidad de Extremadura.


Previous meetings have been held in Gandía (Spain) - 1997, Trieste (Italy) - 1999, La Manga del Mar Menor (Spain) - 2000, Bressanone (Italy) - 2001, Almería (Spain) - 2004, Bressanone (Italy) - 2007.


Aims and scope:
The meeting, which alternately takes place in Italy and in Spain, aims to promote the cooperation between Italian and Spanish topologists. The participation of researchers from other countries is warmly encouraged. Traditionally, the emphasis is on the relationship between general or set-theoretic topology, and other areas of mathematics or sciences. Thus, topics like, for example, topological methods in functional analysis or in dynamical systems, hyperspaces, applied topology for computer sciences or economy, algebraic methods in spaces of continuous functions, etc, are usually considered.


The program will include main talks, invited talks and short individual contributions.


Official languages:
Italian, Spanish and English.


Scientific Committee:

  1. Giuseppe Di Maio (Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy)
  2. Mª Isabel Garrido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
  3. Roberto Moresco (Università di Padova, Italy)
  4. Jesús Rodríguez López (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
  5. Manuel Sanchís (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
  6. Gino Tironi (Università di Trieste, Italy)

Main Speakers:

  1. Angelo Bella (Università di Catania, Italy)
  2. Anna Di Concilio (Università di Salerno, Italy)
  3. Jesús A. Jaramillo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
  4. Óscar Valero (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain)

Invited Speaker:

  1. Francisco Balibrea (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  2. Gianni Bosi (Università di Trieste, Italy)
  3. Félix Cabello (Universidad de Extremadura, Spain)
  4. M. Ángeles de Prada (Universidad del País Vasco, Spain)
  5. Jesús M. Domínguez (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
  6. Salvador Hernández (Universitat Jaume I, Spain )
  7. Miroslav Husek (Charles University, Czech Republic)
  8. Jorge Picado (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal).

Organizing Committee:
Teresa Arias-Marco, Adrián Gordillo, Francisco Montalvo (chairman), M. Ángeles Mulero,  Antonio A. Pulgarín, Batildo Requejo.


Postal Address:

Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Extremadura
Avda. de Elvas,  s/n
06071 Badajoz, Spain


Phone:  (+34) 924 289300  --  Ext. 89133 (Adrián Gordillo) and 89136 (Teresa Arias).


About Badajoz:
Badajoz is a historic city in the Southwest of Spain, close to the Portuguese border. Its population is about 150,000, and the river Guadiana divides it into two parts. Summer is often very hot and followed by a long mild autumn (See more information about Badajoz in



Universidad de Extremadura (UEx), Spain         Departamento de Matemáticas, UEx             Real Sociedad Matemática Española     Red Española de Topología

      Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - SPAIN                "la Caixa"    Ayuntamiento de Badajoz





Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda. de Elvas, s/n, 06071 Badajoz, Spain     
Phone:  (+34) 924 289300
 --  Ext.  89133  (Adrián Gordillo)  and  89136  (Teresa Arias)     